Netflix e Tarantino se unem para dar esta lição de inglês
A professora e fundadora da Companhia de Idiomas Lígia Velozo preparou exercício de inglês usando o novo filme do diretor e série da Netflix
Da Redação
Publicado em 24 de agosto de 2019 às 06h00.
Última atualização em 24 de agosto de 2019 às 06h01.
O filme de Quentin Tarantino Once Upon a Time in Hollywood é diferente de seus anteriores em que a violência é a temática.
Tarantino aborda o cinema de Hollywood em 1969, bem como o assassinato brutal da atriz Sharon Tate e outras quatro pessoas. São vários personagens e sotaques diferentes. Portanto, um ótimo exercício para praticar inglês !
Selecionei um artigo que comenta um pouco sobre o filme e a série do Netflix . Ambos usam o mesmo ator para interpretar Charles Manson, mandante dos assassinatos. O texto foi adaptado para transformá-lo em uma atividade na qual exploro dois tempos verbais: presente e passado.
A escolha deste tema com base a minha experiência em avaliações de nível linguístico de inglês. Usar os tempos verbais corretamente é um grande desafio até para pessoas que estudaram inglês por um bom tempo. Muitos tendem a usar os verbos apenas no tempo presente para relatar fatos passados.
Fill in the blanks with the verbs listed below:
- Owned
- Prepared
- Pursued
- Received
- Called
- Killed
- Drove
- Relocated
- Acclaimed
- Lived
- Introduced
- Became known
- Takes place
- Makes
- Portrays
- Appears
- Visits
- Interview
Australian performer Damon Herriman ____________ the infamous American criminal in Quentin Tarantino’s latest film and in season 2 of Netflix’s ______________ crime series about the FBI's relationship with serial killers.
In 1968, Manson ______________ a music career in Los Angeles. He and several women ____________ in the Hollywood home of The Beach Boys’ Dennis Wilson, who _____________ the singer-songwriter to producer Terry Melcher. One year later, Manson _____________ to Spahn Movie Ranch, where he ___________________ as a spiritual guru, and allegedly _______________ for a race war known as “Helter Skelter.”
On August 9, 1969, four Manson Family members __________ to Melcher’s former Cielo Drive residence - ____________ then by filmmaker Roman Polanski and actress Sharon Tate - and ___________ Sharon Tate along with four other people.
The two projects ___________ for separate character depictions. In Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Manson ____________ just once when he __________ Cielo Drive, months before the Tate murders, looking for Melcher. This version of Manson is soft-spoken, clean-shaven, and friendly on the surface, but he still _________ Tate feel uncomfortable with his presence alone. For Mindhunter season 2, Herriman portrays Manson in the fourth episode, as special agents from the FBI’s Behavioral Science Unit ________________ the convict at a California prison. The sequence _____________ during the early ‘80s, over a decade after the Cielo Drive murders. To match Manson's look, Herriman ____________ six hours of prosthetic make-up work prior to shooting.
Aqui ficam dicas de vídeos com os atores principais e Quentin Tarantino falando sobre o filme, bem interessante observar a diferença no sotaque de Leonardo DiCaprio e Brad Pitt em comparação com o que tiveram de realizar para o filme.
Assim, além de praticar compreensão escrita, treinando tempos verbais, você pratica compreensão oral:
Australian performer Damon Herriman portrays the infamous American criminal in Quentin Tarantino’s latest film and in season 2 of Netflix’s acclaimed crime series about the FBI's relationship with serial killers.
In 1968, Manson pursued a music career in Los Angeles. He and several women lived in the Hollywood home of The Beach Boys’ Dennis Wilson, who introduced the singer-songwriter to producer Terry Melcher. One year later, Manson relocated to Spahn Movie Ranch, where he became known as a spiritual guru, and allegedly prepared for a race war known as “Helter Skelter.”
On August 9, 1969, four Manson Family members drove to Melcher’s former Cielo Drive residence - owned then by filmmaker Roman Polanski and actress Sharon Tate – and killed Sharon Tate along with four other people.
The two projects called for separate character depictions. In Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Manson appears just once when he visits Cielo Drive, months before the Tate murders, looking for Melcher. This version of Manson is soft-spoken, clean-shaven, and friendly on the surface, but he still makes Tate feel uncomfortable with his presence alone. For Mindhunter season 2, Herriman portrays Manson in the fourth episode, as special agents from the FBI’s Behavioral Science Unit interview the convict at a California prison. The sequence takes place during the early ‘80s, over a decade after the Cielo Drive murders. To match Manson's look, Herriman received six hours of prosthetic make-up work prior to shooting.
Fonte: Atividade foi adaptada do artigo no site Screenrant.
Lígia Velozo Crispino, fundadora e sócia-diretora da Companhia de Idiomas. Graduada em Letras e Tradução pela Unibero. Curso de Business English em Boston pela ELC e extensões na área de Marketing na ESPM, FGV e Insper. Coautora do Guia de Implantação de Programas de Idiomas em empresas e autora do livro de poemas Fora da Linha. Colunista do portal Vagas Profissões. Mobilizadora cultural à frente do Sarau Conversar na Livraria Martins Fontes. Quer falar comigo? Meu e-mail é e Skype ligiavelozo.