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8 expressões de negócios em inglês que você precisa conhecer

Lígia Crispino, sócia-diretora da Companhia de Idiomas, propõe exercícios para treinar o seu conhecimento de expressões em inglês típicas do mundo corporativo

negociação (Thinkstock/Ingram Publishing)

Da Redação

Publicado em 23 de dezembro de 2015 às 11h32.

* Escrito por Lígia Crispino, sócia-diretora da Companhia de Idiomas e da ProfCerto

Se você trabalha com negócios, não basta saber falar inglês. Também é essencial ter familiaridade com palavras e jargões no idioma que são típicos do mundo corporativo.

Que tal explorar algumas das expressões mais características desse universo?  Ligue as 8 alternativas abaixo à sua definição mais adequada:

1. Go the extra mile
2. Get down to business
3. From the ground up
4. Diamond in the rough
5. Raise the bar
6. Safe bet
7. State of the art
8. See “something” through

( ) when you start a business, project, or something else from zero, from the very beginning.
( ) something that will probably happen.
( ) do something until it is finished.
( ) stop making small talk and start talking about serious topics related to business.
( ) do more than what people expect from you.
( ) something or someone that has a lot of potential but first requires a lot of work.
( ) set the standards or expectations higher, usually by achieving or creating something better than what had previously existed.
( ) modern and technologically advanced.

Quer um segundo desafio? Sua missão agora é preencher as lacunas a seguir com as expressões do exercício anterior. Eventuais ajustes precisarão ser feitos:

1. He was a ______________. He was really intelligent and had great ideas, but his management skills weren't so good.
2. The policy of the company is __________________ for their customers.
3. Bill Gates lives in a _______________ house with a lot of modern technology.
4. Everybody is very busy. So, let's ________________ and talk about the new product.
5. I told my boss that I really wanted _______ my current project ___________ before taking on another one.
6. It's a _____________ that smart phones will be even more indispensable in modern life.
7. Steve Jobs built Apple ________________.
8. The new version of the computer is getting great reviews. It looks like they've really ______________ for the competition.


Primeira atividade:

3, 6, 8, 2, 1, 4, 5, 7

Segunda atividade:

1. diamond in the rough
2. to go the extra mile
3. state-of-the-art
4. get down to business
5. to see …… through
6. safe bet
7. from the ground up
8. raised the bar

Lígia Velozo Crispino, fundadora e sócia-diretora da Companhia de Idiomas e da ProfCerto. Autora do livro de poemas "Fora da Linha", é colunista dos portais RH.com e Vagas Profissões.

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* Escrito por Lígia Crispino, sócia-diretora da Companhia de Idiomas e da ProfCerto

Se você trabalha com negócios, não basta saber falar inglês. Também é essencial ter familiaridade com palavras e jargões no idioma que são típicos do mundo corporativo.

Que tal explorar algumas das expressões mais características desse universo?  Ligue as 8 alternativas abaixo à sua definição mais adequada:

1. Go the extra mile
2. Get down to business
3. From the ground up
4. Diamond in the rough
5. Raise the bar
6. Safe bet
7. State of the art
8. See “something” through

( ) when you start a business, project, or something else from zero, from the very beginning.
( ) something that will probably happen.
( ) do something until it is finished.
( ) stop making small talk and start talking about serious topics related to business.
( ) do more than what people expect from you.
( ) something or someone that has a lot of potential but first requires a lot of work.
( ) set the standards or expectations higher, usually by achieving or creating something better than what had previously existed.
( ) modern and technologically advanced.

Quer um segundo desafio? Sua missão agora é preencher as lacunas a seguir com as expressões do exercício anterior. Eventuais ajustes precisarão ser feitos:

1. He was a ______________. He was really intelligent and had great ideas, but his management skills weren't so good.
2. The policy of the company is __________________ for their customers.
3. Bill Gates lives in a _______________ house with a lot of modern technology.
4. Everybody is very busy. So, let's ________________ and talk about the new product.
5. I told my boss that I really wanted _______ my current project ___________ before taking on another one.
6. It's a _____________ that smart phones will be even more indispensable in modern life.
7. Steve Jobs built Apple ________________.
8. The new version of the computer is getting great reviews. It looks like they've really ______________ for the competition.


Primeira atividade:

3, 6, 8, 2, 1, 4, 5, 7

Segunda atividade:

1. diamond in the rough
2. to go the extra mile
3. state-of-the-art
4. get down to business
5. to see …… through
6. safe bet
7. from the ground up
8. raised the bar

Lígia Velozo Crispino, fundadora e sócia-diretora da Companhia de Idiomas e da ProfCerto. Autora do livro de poemas "Fora da Linha", é colunista dos portais RH.com e Vagas Profissões.
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