Aprenda inglês com as 10 habilidades essenciais do futuro do trabalho
Você conhece as habilidades do futuro do trabalho? Professor de inglês preparou exercício para aprender sobre elas

Da Redação
Publicado em 22 de julho de 2020 às 12h00.
Inteligência artificial, robôs, big data… estamos vivendo a Quarta Revolução Industrial, e precisamos nos adaptar às mudanças tão rápidas e constantes pelas quais passamos todos os anos.
Mas a pergunta mais importante é: como você se adapta a essas mudanças? Você está desenvolvendo as habilidades necessárias para acompanhar o mercado e se manter relevante?
Existem algumas habilidade que, se antes tinham sua relevância ofuscada pelo destaque dado às hard skills, agora passam a ser prioridade para os profissionais se prepararem com sabedoria para as frequentes mudanças que enfrentamos. O profissional precisa ter as soft skills adequadas para se adaptar a novos contextos, ter pensamento crítico e complexo, e saber como trabalhar com uma equipe diversa e multicultural.
Será essencial abraçar a mudança e aprender a se adaptar rapidamente. Por isso, faça o exercício de inglês abaixo e descubra quais são as 10 habilidades necessárias levantadas pelo Fórum Econômico Mundial em seu relatório “ The Future of Work”.
Match the skills below to the corresponding definitions (the same words were also removed from the paragraphs).
• Technology skills
• Interpersonal communication skills
• Emotional intelligence (EQ)
• Embracing change
• Active learning with a growth mindset
• Creativity
• Diversity and cultural intelligence
• Judgment and decision making
• Analytical (critical) thinking
• Leadership skills
1. _____
Human workers in the future will need to be creative to fully realize the benefits of all the new things for the future: new products, ways of working and technologies. Robots currently can’t compete with humans on _____. The future workplace is going to demand new ways of thinking, and human _____ is the key to it.
2. _____
A person’s ability to be aware of, control and express their own emotions as well as being cognizant of the emotions of others describes their _____. You exhibit high _____ if you have empathy, integrity and work well with others. A machine can’t easily replace a human’s ability to connect with another human being, so those who have high _____ will be in demand.
3. _____
A person with _____ skills can suggest innovative solutions and ideas, solve complex problems using reasoning and logic and evaluate arguments. The first step in _____ is to analyze the flow of information from various resources. After observing, someone who is a strong analytical thinker will rely on logical reasoning rather than emotion, collect the pros/cons of a situation and be open-minded to the best possible solution. People with strong _____ will be needed to navigate the human/machine division of labor.
4. _____
Anyone in the future of work needs to actively learn and grow. A person with a growth mindset understands that their abilities and intelligence can be developed and they know their effort to build skills will result in higher achievement. They will, therefore, take on challenges, learn from mistakes and actively seek new knowledge.
5. _____
Human _____ will become more complex in the future workplace. While machines and data can process information and provide insights that would be impossible for humans to gather, ultimately, a human will need to make the decision recognizing the broader implications the decision might have on other areas of business, personnel and the effect on other more human sensibilities such as morale. As technology takes away more menial and mundane tasks, it will leave humans to do more higher-level decision-making.
6. _____
The ability to exchange information and meaning between people will be a vital skill during the 4th industrial revolution. This means people should hone their ability to communicate effectively with other human beings so that they are able to say the right things, using the right tone of voice and body language, in order to bring their messages across.
7. _____
Traits you commonly associate with leadership such as being inspiring and helping others become the best versions of themselves will be necessary for the future workforce. While today’s typical organizational chart might not be as prevalent, individuals will take on leadership roles on project teams or work with other employees to tackle issues and develop solutions.
8. _____
As our world and workplaces become more diverse and open, it is vital that individuals have the skills to understand, respect and work with others despite differences in race, culture, language, age, gender, sexual orientation, political or religious beliefs, etc. The ability to understand and adapt to others who might have different ways of perceiving the world will not only improve how people interact within the company but is also likely to make a company’s products and services more inclusive and successful.
9. _____
The 4th industrial revolution is fuelled by technological innovations such as artificial intelligence, big data, virtual reality, blockchains, and more. This means that everyone will need a certain level of comfort around technology. At the most basic level, employees in most roles will be required to access data and determine how to act on it. This requires some technical skills. On a more fundamental level, everyone needs to be able to understand the potential impact of new technologies on their industry, business, and job.
10. _____
Due to the speed of change in the future workplace, people will have to be agile and able to _____ and celebrate it. Not only will our brains need to be flexible, but we’ll also need to be adaptable as we are required to adjust to shifting workplaces, expectations, and skill-sets. An essential skill during the 4th industrial revolution will be the ability to see change not as a burden but as an opportunity to grow and innovate.
Answer Key
1. Creativity
2. Emotional intelligence (EQ)
3. Analytical (critical) thinking
4. Active learning with a growth mindset
5. Judgment and decision making
6. Interpersonal communication skills
7. Leadership skills
8. Diversity and cultural intelligence
9. Technology skills
10. Embracing change
Michel Rosas é formado em Publicidade e Propaganda pela Escola de Comunicações e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo, coordenador de marketing e comunicação na Companhia de Idiomas e professor de inglês há 13 anos. É especialista em estratégias de engajamento e nutrição pela Northwestern University e estratégias de marketing de conteúdo pela Universidade da Califórnia, assim como vários cursos de análise estratégica e utilização de ferramentas de marketing digital.