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3 ótimos exercícios de inglês com notícias da BBC sobre o Brasil

Que tal aprender inglês com o olhar estrangeiro sobre acontecimentos ligados ao Brasil? Professora propõe desafios com base em matérias da BBC

Homem passa na frente de um logotipo da BBC (Olivia Harris/Reuters)

Da Redação

Publicado em 30 de agosto de 2017 às 12h45.

Última atualização em 30 de agosto de 2017 às 12h45.

Que tal aprender inglês com três notícias sobre o Brasil que foram publicadas no site da BBC? Em cada uma, tem uma pequena tarefa a cumprir enquanto você lê. Você também verá definições das palavras mais difíceis. Boa sorte!

1. TV host's race jokes spark Brazil-Korea online war

South Koreans and Brazilians have become embroiled in an online battle after racially insensitive comments and gestures were made on air by a popular TV host. The spat began when the South Korean K-pop group KARD appeared on a TV show presented by well-known Brazilian personality Raul Gil. Gil began with relatively innocuous banter, asking KARD members if they were single. But when the crowd cheered, he asked why they were reacting in such a way, and made a "slant-eye" gesture. The broadcast kicked off a huge reaction in South Korea, where furious users of the web portal Nate sounded off about Gil and Brazil in general.

Veja também

a) Localize dois advérbios no texto

b) Aprenda três palavras/expressões

to become embroiled = to be involved deeply in an argument, conflict, or difficult situation

spat = a quarrel about an unimportant matter

banter = the playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks

2. Brazil: City of God actor wanted for killing Rio policeman

Ivan da Silva Martins played a small part as a gang member in the film.  He is now 34 and is thought to control drug trafficking in the Vidigal favela. The film was released in Brazil in 2002, exposing to the rest of the world the bitter reality of crime, violence and poverty in Rio's favelas. Mr Martins was one of many boys and teenagers recruited from the city's poorest quarters to work as actors in the film. He is now believed to be feared by the Vidigal community where police says he is known as Ivan the Terrible. City of God director Fernando Meirelles said he had gradually lost contact with all the young actors, but told O Globo newspaper that he was "saddened by the news".

a) Localize seis frases na voz passiva.

b) Aprenda uma palavra:

bitter = having a sharp, pungent taste or smell; not sweet

3. Havaianas: How a Brazilian flip-flop took over the world

It is one of the simplest shoes on the planet: a piece of plastic, roughly the outline of your foot, with a crude strap holding the sole to your toes.Yet Brazil's Havaianas brand took the humble flip-flop to new heights. The company behind them was sold for $1bn (£780m). Selling about 200 million pairs every year, it had produced a domestic and international phenomenon.  Across the country, there are whole shops dedicated to them. Rows and rows, in all colours and styles. There are strappy ones, shiny ones, ones in the colour of your favourite football team, ones with huge platform wedges.  The colourful rubber shoes have become synonymous with Brazil. Many carry a little Brazilian flag on their strap. "Havaianas embodies Brazil's fun, vibrant & spontaneous way of life," claims the company's Twitter account. And it is this strong identity that has helped it hold its own, against cheap versions of what is an easy-to-replicate design.

a) Identifique 4 adjetivos que comecem com a letra "s".

b) Identifique 3 adjetivos que comecem com a letra "c".

c)  Identifique 2 adjetivos que comecem com a letra "h".

Aprenda duas palavras:

crude = in a natural or raw state; not yet processed or refined

to embody = to include or contain (something) as a constituent part


1. racially  / relatively

2. "He is thought to control"   / "The film was released" / "Mr Martins was recruited"

"He is now believed to be feared by the Vidigal community" / "He is known" / "he was saddened by the news"

3. a) simplest (superlative)  / strappy /  shiny  / spontaneous / strong

b) cheap  / crude / colourful

c) humble / huge

Rosangela Souza é fundadora e sócia-diretora daCompanhia de Idiomase daProfCerto. Também é professora de técnicas de comunicação, gestão de pessoas e estratégia no curso de Pós-Graduação ADM da Fundação Getúlio Vargas.



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