As autoridades bolivianas prenderam 21 pessoas, incluindo os três ex-comandantes das Forças Armadas, pelo golpe frustrado contra o presidente Luis Arce, anunciou o governo nesta sexta-feira, 28. Até quinta-feira, 27, 17 militares da ativa, reformados e civis haviam sido detidos, mas nas últimas horas foram registradas quatro novas prisões.
Há “um total de 21 pessoas presas no caso denominado golpe de Estado fracassado”, afirmou o ministro do Governo (Interior), Eduardo del Castillo, em coletiva de imprensa.
O responsável destacou, entre as novas detenções, o general Marcelo Zegarra, ex-comandante da Força Aérea.
Zegarra foi preso quando compareceu perante a Promotoria com seus dois advogados. Os outros três novos detidos, três soldados de baixa patente, foram apresentados algemados e usando coletes à prova de balas.
Segundo informações oficiais, os três comandantes depostos do Exército, da Marinha e da Força Aérea estão envolvidos no cerco com tropas e tanques à sede presidencial ocorrido na quarta-feira (26).
À frente do plano estava, segundo o governo, o general Juan José Zúñiga, ex-comandante do Exército, que foi preso no mesmo dia junto com o vice-almirante Juan Arnez, da Marinha, após a retirada das tropas rebeldes.
Durante a rebelião militar, 14 civis foram feridos com projéteis disparados por soldados ao entrarem na praça onde fica o palácio presidencial.
Militar durante mobilização na sede do governo da Bolivia
Military troops are deployed outside the Quemado Palace at the Plaza de Armas in La Paz on June 26, 2024. Bolivian President Luis Arce on Wednesday denounced the unauthorized gathering of soldiers and tanks outside government buildings in the capital La Paz, saying "democracy must be respected." "We denounce irregular mobilizations by some units of the Bolivian Army," Arce wrote on the X social network. Former president Evo Morales wrote on the same medium that "a coup d'état is brewing." (Photo by AIZAR RALDES / AFP)
Militares se concentram na Praça de Armas de La Paz, em frente à sede do governo, nesta quarta, 26
Military troops are deployed outside the Quemado Palace at the Plaza de Armas in La Paz on June 26, 2024. Bolivian President Luis Arce on Wednesday denounced the unauthorized gathering of soldiers and tanks outside government buildings in the capital La Paz, saying "democracy must be respected." "We denounce irregular mobilizations by some units of the Bolivian Army," Arce wrote on the X social network. Former president Evo Morales wrote on the same medium that "a coup d'état is brewing." (Photo by AIZAR RALDES / AFP)
Militares se concentram na Praça de Armas de La Paz, em frente à sede do governo, nesta quarta, 26
Military troops are deployed outside the Quemado Palace at the Plaza de Armas in La Paz on June 26, 2024. Bolivian President Luis Arce on Wednesday denounced the unauthorized gathering of soldiers and tanks outside government buildings in the capital La Paz, saying "democracy must be respected." "We denounce irregular mobilizations by some units of the Bolivian Army," Arce wrote on the X social network. Former president Evo Morales wrote on the same medium that "a coup d'état is brewing." (Photo by AIZAR RALDES / AFP)
Military troops are deployed outside the Quemado Palace at the Plaza de Armas in La Paz on June 26, 2024. Bolivian President Luis Arce on Wednesday denounced the unauthorized gathering of soldiers and tanks outside government buildings in the capital La Paz, saying "democracy must be respected." "We denounce irregular mobilizations by some units of the Bolivian Army," Arce wrote on the X social network. Former president Evo Morales wrote on the same medium that "a coup d'état is brewing." (Photo by AIZAR RALDES / AFP)
A soldier in an armored vehicle is deployed outside the Quemado Palace at the Plaza de Armas in La Paz on June 26, 2024. Bolivian President Luis Arce on Wednesday denounced the unauthorized gathering of soldiers and tanks outside government buildings in the capital La Paz, saying "democracy must be respected." "We denounce irregular mobilizations by some units of the Bolivian Army," Arce wrote on the X social network. Former president Evo Morales wrote on the same medium that "a coup d'état is brewing." (Photo by AIZAR RALDES / AFP)
Vários dos atacados foram operados “cirurgicamente”, segundo o presidente Luis Arce.
As autoridades continuam com investigações e operações para esclarecer a tentativa de golpe contra Arce, no poder desde o final de 2020.
“Desde o início afirmamos que Juan José Zúñiga não agiu sozinho, todas essas pessoas, essas 21 pessoas, não agiram unilateralmente”, comentou o ministro Del Castillo.