
Teste seu inglês com 5 episódios da série "Stranger Things"

Rosangela Souza, fundadora e sócia-diretora da Companhia de Idiomas, propõe um exercício de inglês com base nas sinopses de 5 episódios da série

Stranger Things (Divulgação/Netflix)

Stranger Things (Divulgação/Netflix)


Da Redação

Publicado em 28 de setembro de 2016 às 12h48.

* Escrito por Rosangela Souza, fundadora e sócia-diretora da Companhia de Idiomas e da ProfCerto

"Stranger Things" é uma série da Netflix que conta a história de um menino que desaparece misteriosamente. Na tentativa de encontrá-lo, a polícia, sua família e seus amigos acabam se envolvendo numa trama que passa por um experimento secreto do governo e até forças sobrenaturais.

Se você se interessa pela série e pretende melhorar seu nível de inglês, o teste a seguir foi feito para você.

Leia abaixo o resumo dos cinco primeiros episódios (cuidado: contém spoilers). Você precisará encontrar 11 erros gramaticais nas frases. Se tiver dificuldade de entender alguma expressão, busque no glossário os termos com asterisco (*). 

Episode 1
In his way home from a friend’s house, young Will sees some thing terrified. Nearby, a sinister secret lurks* in the depths of a government lab.

Episode 2
Lucas, Mike and Dustin talk to the girl they founded in the woods. Hopper questions an anxious Joyce about an unsettling* phone call.

Episode 3
An increasingly concerned Nancy look for* Barb and finds out* what Jonathan been up to*. Joyce is convinced Will is trying to talk to her.

Episode 4
Refusing to believe Will dead, Joyce tries to connect with his son. The boy gives Eleven a makeover*. Nancy and Jonathan forms an unlikely* alliance.

Episode 5
Hopper breaks into* the lab, while Nancy and Jonathan confront the force that taken Will. The boys ask Mr. Clark how to travel to other dimension.


To lurk in the depths - To wait or move in a secret way that you cannot be seen, especially because you are about to attack someone or do something wrong.

Unsettling phone call - Upsetting, causing worry or anxiety

To look for - To try to find something or someone

To find out -  To get information about something because you want to know more about it

To be up to - To be doing something, often something bad or illegal, usually secretly

Makeover - A set of changes that are intended to make a person or place more attractive

Unlikely - Not probable to happen, not likely to happen

To break into the lab - To force your way into the lab


Episode 1 - On his way home (…), young Will sees something terrifying.

Episode 2 - Lucas, Mike and Dustin talk to the girl they found in the woods.

Episode 3 – An increasingly concerned Nancy looks for Barb and finds out what Jonathan has been up to.

Episode 4 – Refusing to believe Will is dead, Joyce tries to connect with her son. The boy gives Eleven a makeover. Nancy and Jonathan form an unlikely alliance.

Episode 5- (…) Nancy and Jonathan confront the force that took Will. The boys ask Mr. Clark how to travel to another dimension.

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