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COP26 Warming: Test Your Climate Knowledge

Are you aware of the issues related to the long-awaited environmental summit that will take place in November?

Criança segura um globo terrestre (SXC.Hu/Divulgação)

Julio Alves

Publicado em 29 de setembro de 2021 às 15h55.

Última atualização em 4 de outubro de 2021 às 20h43.

Glasgow, Scotland, is preparing to host the 26th UN Conference of the Parties on Climate Change, COP26. Originally planned to take place in 2020, due to the pandemic was postponed to this year, from October 31st to November 12th.

The meeting is expected to discuss the next steps for the full implementation of the 2015 Paris Agreement, the most important multilateral climate commitment in recent times. In a scenario of recovery from the global recession and the visible advance of the impacts of the climate crisis, expectations regarding the event's results are high.

Take the following quiz to find out how well-acquainted you are with the issues surrounding the convention, which every spotlight in the world will be focused on.

[personalized_iframe url="https://exame379.outgrow.us/Copy-of-exame379-488-1" height="80" /]

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