Quer ser empreendedor? Aprenda sobre seu perfil com exercício de inglês
Texto em inglês vai ensinar sobre os diferentes perfis de empreendedores e ajudar com seu vocabulário e gramática na língua

Da Redação
Publicado em 29 de agosto de 2018 às 12h00.
Última atualização em 29 de agosto de 2018 às 12h00.
São Paulo - Há vários anos tem se falado muito sobre empreendedorismo e muitas organizações incentivam as pessoas a empreender. Esse texto foi adaptado do artigo "What type of entrepreneur are you?" e descreve, em inglês , diferentes tipos de empreendedores.
A ideia é extrair o que o texto tem de relevante quanto à gramática e vocabulário para melhorar, assim, a fluência no idioma com conteúdo relevante. De quebra, você pode avaliar se você tem um dos perfis listados.
Preencha os 17 espaços em branco com as preposições corretas:
Types of entrepreneurs
If you look up online the word ‘’entrepreneur’’ you will find something like this: someone who starts their own business, especially when this involves seeing a new opportunity.
If you are an entrepreneur, you might be feeling a bit like Indiana Jones. And if you have been living as an entrepreneur 1. _______ a long time then, we are pretty sure that 2. ______ some point you have felt like you were being chased 3. ____ a huge stone ball.
In this business world, there are different types of entrepreneurs, depending 4. _____ personal qualities, especially 5. ______ different reasons when creating a company. In this article we will go through the 12 types of entrepreneurs; maybe you see yourself in some of them.
The passionate entrepreneur
This person has had a great idea and this person is ready to die for it. This person works 24 hours a day and has company-related dreams, 7 days a week, and this person usually cannot stop talking about his/her business (when talking about types of entrepreneurs, occasionally, this one can be quite annoying.
If they are able to control their passion with intelligence and perspective, they will go far. Otherwise, everything will collapse…
The specialist
This person is a scholar in their field, which allows them to have an advantage 6. ______ their competitors. The problem is that, usually they will not have all the characteristics of a successful entrepreneur and they will have to associate with other people to get ahead. If they are smart and know how to focus 7. ____ their own and surround themselves with other people who can help them with other aspects of the business, they will do very well.
The entrepreneur by chance
In some occasions, the hazards of life make people entrepreneurs. Remember: it can also happen 8. _____ you.
The business entrepreneur
They usually have great technical knowledge and a solid academic background. They know almost every aspect of a business and know how to surround themselves with the right people. If they can find a good idea and have experience, they will be the most appropriate entrepreneurs for the company to move forward.
The entrepreneur out of necessity
They do not want to start a company; actually they would like to be a happy employee, but can’t find a job, so they decide to start a business.
Sometimes, this type of entrepreneur can succeed, but unfortunately many cases of total failure are known.
The visionary entrepreneur
They have a time machine, which allow them to travel to the future and anticipate what is to come. They are creative they are not afraid of risk. Their greatest strength may also be their greatest weakness: sometimes, it will be difficult 9. ____ them 10. ____ focus 11. ____ what they actually have because you might find them thinking about future projects.
The leading entrepreneur
They are able to convince all of their team in order 12. _____ the company 13. ____ do well and the employees to perform 14. _____ their best. It is the image of their company and their greatest value. Usually they are entrepreneurs with a great career and who have a huge charisma. A classic example: Steve Jobs.
The investor
They have loads of money, extensive knowledge in the world of the company, and the experience of other successful companies previously created by them.
15. _____ times, they will seek to associate with other people they consider appropriate because they have extensive technical knowledge and if they have had a good idea, to which they will contribute their capital and experience in the business world. Often, they will leave the company when they find someone to sell their participation for a good price.
The one who chases opportunities
They cannot stop talking about having 10 extraordinary ideas every day. They have the enterprise in their veins, and that leads them to create one company after another. Watch out! Sometimes having ten ideas and ten companies might not be a great idea after all.
The commercial entrepreneur
They could sell a scooter to their grandmother. They have an overwhelming gift 16. _____ people, they have done well in their commercial career, and now they have decided to start their own company.
If they surround themselves with people who can help them with other aspects of their business, they will achieve great things.
The humble entrepreneur
They have a dream: to reach happiness. To do this, they do not need to earn large amounts of money or get their company to become a multinational, but they just want to reach happiness doing what they love.
He/she is a fairly common type in these types of entrepreneurs; the commercial premises that we find in our streets are full of these types of entrepreneurs. If they have some luck, experience and knowledge, they will do well.
The technological entrepreneur
They have technical training, but they have also been bitten 17. _____ the entrepreneurial worm. These types of entrepreneurs are very popular. Some examples are: Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg….
Selecione qual o significado correto dessas palavras destacadas no texto acima em roxo:
Look up:
( ) search for information
( ) admire
Feel like:
( ) to enjoy very much
( ) have an inclination or desire for
Go through:
( ) experience or be subjected to
( ) take place
Do well:
( ) succeed in something
( ) produce goods
Watch out:
( ) look outside
( ) be careful
By chance:
( ) opportunity
( ) without plan, accidentally
( ) danger or risk
( ) bad luck
( ) nowadays
( ) in fact, in reality
( ) withdrawing
( ) irritating, troublesome
( ) overpowering
( ) overloaded
( ) unpretentious
( ) prideful
( ) wide
( ) big
( ) yield
( ) accomplish
( ) acquire as a result of effort or work
( ) to feel deep pity, sympathy
( ) escape
( ) pursue
Atividade 1:
Atividade 2:
Look up = search for information
Feel like = have an inclination or desire for
Go through = experience or be subjected to
Do well = succeed in something
Watch out = be careful
By chance = without plan, accidentally
Hazard = danger or risk
Actually = in fact, in reality
Annoying = irritating, troublesome
Overwhelming = overpowering
Humble = unpretentious
Large = big
Achieve = accomplish
Earn = acquire as a result of effort or work
Chase = pursue
Lígia Velozo Crispino, fundadora e sócia-diretora da Companhia de Idiomas. Graduada em Letras e Tradução pela Unibero. Curso de Business English em Boston pela ELC. Coautora do Guia Corporativo Política de Treinamento para RHs e autora do livro de poemas Fora da Linha. Colunista do portal Vagas Profissões. Organizadora do Sarau Conversar na Livraria Martins Fontes.