Lápis apagando erro em inglês (eyecatcher23/Thinkstock)
Da Redação
Publicado em 29 de março de 2017 às 12h45.
Última atualização em 29 de março de 2017 às 14h12.
Aperfeiçoar o inglês exige prática — e, quanto mais desafiadora ela for, melhor. A partir de 10 lições de liderança, tiradas do livro "The Top Ten Mistakes Leaders Make", de Hans Finzel, tente completar as frases com as 10 preposições que faltam e identifique os 5 erros de ortografia. As respostas estão ao final do exercício:
1. People are oportunities , not interruptions.
2. We wildly underestimate the power …….... the tinniest personnal touch of kindness
3. Letting go ....... leadership is like sending your children ........ to college: it hurts, but is has to be done.
4. The major players ….... any organization are like its stockholders: they should have a say in its direction.
5. Mavericks make messes …....their very nature - the good messes institutions need. Learn to recognize trully usefull mavericks.
6. Overmanaging is one …....the greatest cardinal sins …...poor leadership.
7. When left …... the dark, people tend to dream up wild rumors.
8. Cultivating and changing the culture should be one ….. leadership's top priorities
9. Organizations are reinvented ..... new generations of dreamers.
1. oPPortunities
2. the power OF the tiNiest persoNal
3. Letting go OF leadership is like sending your children AWAY to college
4. The major players IN any organization...
5. (…) make messes BY their very nature. Learn (..) truLY useFUL
6. Overmanaging is one OF the greatest cardinal sins OF poor leadership.
7. When left IN the dark…
8. Cultivating and changing the culture should be one OF leadership's top priorities.
9. Organizations are reinvented WITH new generations of dreamers.