
Vai viajar? Você precisa aprender estas frases em inglês

Professor de inglês fez uma lista com as frases em inglês mais usadas em diversas situações de uma viagem ao exterior




Da Redação

Publicado em 26 de junho de 2019 às 14h00.

Última atualização em 26 de junho de 2019 às 14h01.

O mês de julho está chegando e muitas pessoas estão saindo em férias!

E se você vai viajar para o exterior, seja por lazer ou a trabalho, provavelmente já deve ter estudado algumas palavras que vai encontrar por aí. Então o que acha de revisar e se preparar ainda mais para a sua viagem?

Confira se você domina as expressões em inglês abaixo... and have a nice trip!


  • Where’s the check-in desk, please?
  • Which terminal does the plane leave from?
  • Can I see your passport/boarding card, please?
  • Would you like a window seat or an aisle seat?
  • Did you pack the bags yourself?
  • Your plane is delayed forty-five minutes.
  • The airplane is scheduled to take off at 3:30 p.m.
  • The airplane will land in two hours.
  • You’ll be boarding at gate number 34.
  • Could you help me put this bag in the overhead locker, please?
  • Please make sure your seat belts are fully-fastened.


  • May I see your passport and customs declaration form?
  • What is the purpose of your visit?
  • How long are you planning to stay?
  • Where will you be staying?
  • Are you carrying any items accepted from a person you don’t know?
  • Do you have anything to declare?


  • I’d like a room for two nights, please.
  • I’d like a single/double room, please.
  • I have a reservation under the name of Smith.
  • Is breakfast included?
  • Could I have a wake-up call at 6am, please?
  • What time do we have to check out?
  • What name was the reservation made under?
  • Here’s your key. It’s room 458. It’s on the fourth floor.
  • Would you like someone to help you with your bags?
  • Breakfast is served between 7 and 11.
  • Check-out is at midday.


  • Where would you like to go?
  • I’d like to go to Station Hotel, please.
  • Could you help me with my luggage, please?
  • Shall I drop you off just here?
  • How much is it, please?
  • That’s US$ 14.50, please. Would you like a receipt?

Michel Rosas é professor de inglês e gerente de marketing na Companhia de Idiomas.

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