
Este quiz ajuda você a treinar inglês e a influenciar pessoas

Teste sobre técnicas para influenciar pessoas também vai desafiar seus conhecimentos sobre uso de gerúndio em inglês

Como aumentar a minha influência no trabalho? (foto/Thinkstock)

Como aumentar a minha influência no trabalho? (foto/Thinkstock)


Da Redação

Publicado em 31 de janeiro de 2018 às 13h00.

Última atualização em 31 de janeiro de 2018 às 22h38.

Saber influenciar pessoas é uma competência muito valorizada no mundo corporativo. Que tal realizar este quiz que utiliza muitos verbos no gerúndio e, ao mesmo tempo, checar que técnicas você usa como ferramenta de inlfuência?


Preencha o texto com os verbos abaixo:


trying              implementing                        interpreting               getting                       using

appealing       involving                    demanding                depending     making

suggesting      understanding                      developing                 trading                       using                          


Which Influence Tactics Do I Use?


____________ a better  ______________ of your management and communication style is essential in today’s workplace. Take this Influence Tactics Assessment to gain insight into the way you influence others.

Instructions: The questions below ask about the way in which you influence others. Read each statement carefully and indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree that this is an influence tactic that you regularly use when _____________ to influence others.


1.I try to persuade others by _________ reason, logic and facts. Degree:  1 2 3 4 5

2.I try to build enthusiasm for my ideas and suggestions by____________ to others’ emotions, ideals, or values. Degree: 1 2 3 4 5

3.I try to gain support for my ideas and suggestions by _____________ others in planning, _______________ decisions, and ___________ changes. Degree: 1 2 3 4 5

4.I like to compliment people or use flattery or humor before making a request. Degree: 1 2 3 4 5

5.I ask people to go along with me based on friendship and loyalty. Degree: 1 2 3 4 5

6.I attempt to persuade others either by telling or _____________ I’ll do something for them in return. Degree: 1 2 3 4 5

7.I try to get multiple people to support my ideas and ask them to convince others. Degree: 1 2 3 4 5

8.I confront people and demand they comply with my preferred course of action. Degree: 1 2 3 4 5

9.I use my position (e.g., as a manager or supervisor), policy, and/or the support from other senior members to persuade others to follow my wishes. Degree: 1 2 3 4 5


 Understanding Your Scores

  • If your score is 20 or less, this might indicate you have low use of influence tactics.
  • If your score is between 21 and 33, this might indicate you have moderate use of influence tactics.
  • If your score is 34 or above, this might indicate you have a high use of influence tactics.


________________ the Result

The nine types of influence tactics are each assessed with a single item. The overall score tells you about your general use of influence tactics. In addition, you can rank order your responses to all nine items. Which influence tactic, or tactics, received your highest score? Which is second highest? Which is lowest?


Each of the influence tactics is defined here.


  • Rational persuasion — Use of reason, logic, or facts.
  • Inspiration — Appeal to people’s emotions, ideals, or values.
  • Consultation— ___________ others to participate in planning and making decisions.
  • Ingratiation — Use of praise, flattery, or humor.
  • Personal appeals— Use of friendship and loyalty to convince others of a course of action.
  • Exchange— _____________ favors.
  • Coalition — ______________ other people to help you make your appeal.
  • Pressure— ______________compliance or using intimidation or threats.
  • Legitimating tactics — Making reference to a higher level manager or authority, or _______________ on your personal authority position.


Respostas em negrito

Which Influence Tactics Do I Use?


Developing a better understanding of your management and communication style is essential in today’s workplace. Take this Influence Tactics Assessment to gain insight into the way you influence others.

Instructions: The questions below ask about the way in which you influence others. Read each statement carefully and indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree that this is an influence tactic that you regularly use when trying to influence others.

1.I try to persuade others by using reason, logic and facts Degree:1 2 3 4 5 2

2.I try to build enthusiasm for my ideas and suggestions by appealing to others’ emotions, ideals, or values. Degree:1 2 3 4 5

3.I try to gain support for my ideas and suggestions by involving others in planning, making decisions, and implementing changes. Degree:1 2 3 4 5

4.I like to compliment people or use flattery or humor before making a request. Degree: 1 2 3 4 5

5.I ask people to go along with me based on friendship and loyalty. Degree: 1 2 3 4 5

6.I attempt to persuade others either by telling or suggesting I’ll do something for them in return. Degree:1 2 3 4 5

7.I try to get multiple people to support my ideas and ask them to convince others Degree: 1 2 3 4 5

8.I confront people and demand they comply with my preferred course of action Degree: 1 2 3 4 5

9.I use my position (e.g., as a manager or supervisor), policy, and/or the support from other senior members to persuade others to follow my wishes. Degree: 1 2 3 4 5


Understanding Your Scores

  • If your score is 20 or less, this might indicate you have low use of influence tactics.
  • If your score is between 21 and 33, this might indicate you have moderate use of influence tactics.
  • If your score is 34 or above, this might indicate you have a high use of influence tactics.


Interpreting the Result

The nine types of influence tactics are each assessed with a single item. The overall score tells you about your general use of influence tactics. In addition, you can rank order your responses to all nine items. Which influence tactic, or tactics, received your highest score? Which is second highest? Which is lowest?


Each of the influence tactics is defined here.


  • Rational persuasion — Use of reason, logic, or facts.
  • Inspiration — Appeal to people’s emotions, ideals, or values.
  • Consultation— Getting others to participate in planning and making decisions.
  • Ingratiation — Use of praise, flattery, or humor.
  • Personal appeals— Use of friendship and loyalty to convince others of a course of action.
  • Exchange— Trading favors.
  • Coalition — Using other people to help you make your appeal.
  • Pressure— Demanding compliance or using intimidation or threats.
  • Legitimating tactics — Making reference to a higher level manager or authority, or depending on your personal authority position.


Fonte para esta atividade é o extrato do seguinte artigo: Which Influence Tactics Do I Use? é um portal no qual pessoas físicas e jurídicas divulgam seus artigos. Há conteúdo bastante relevante em inglês! Confira.

Lígia Velozo Crispino é graduada em Letras e Tradução pela Unibero. Curso de Business English em Boston pela ELC. Coautora do Guia Corporativo Política de Treinamento para RHs e autora do livro de poemas Fora da Linha.



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