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Brasil acima da média&

… entre os países que restringem o capital externo. “Brazil’s restrictions on foreign equity ownership are above average among the countries in the Latin America and the Caribbean covered by the Investing Across Sectors indicators. Compared with other BRIC (Brazil, Russian Federation, India, and China) countries only Russia has fewer restrictions on foreign equity ownership than Brazil. Brazil restricts foreign equity ownership in the air transportation sector to a maximum of […] Leia mais

Instituto Millenium

Publicado em 14 de julho de 2010 às, 15h28.

Última atualização em 24 de fevereiro de 2017 às, 11h36.

… entre os países que restringem o capital externo.

“Brazil’s restrictions on foreign equity ownership are above average among the countries in the Latin America and the Caribbean covered by the Investing Across Sectors indicators. Compared with other BRIC (Brazil, Russian Federation, India, and China) countries only Russia has fewer restrictions on foreign equity ownership than Brazil. Brazil restricts foreign equity ownership in the air transportation sector to a maximum of 20% and in media industries (both TV broadcasting and newspaper publishing) to a maximum of 30%. The health care sector is closed to foreign capital participation. In general terms, though, Brazilian legislation grants equal treatment to foreign and domestic companies.”

E ainda tem gente assustada com o Grande Capital. Quando ele chegar aqui, por favor, deixe um recado.